We specialize in Japanese & Vietnamese Cuisine!
While other restaurants may attempt to offer so many things, our primary focus is on Pho and Sushi!
We have assembled a team of chefs who create recipes that focus on authenticity, flavor and originality…
making sure every plate is up to our standards & full of flavor.

During this time, we want to assure you that we not only follow safety protocols currently in effect, we also take extra care to ensure your safety during your interactions with us. Whether dining in or out, getting carry out, ordering delivery or having your business meeting catered by us, we take safety seriously. Those who have visited during this time have said, “They are handling everything very well, and were very safe in regards to COVID precautions,” and “During the pandemic, I’ve always felt they’ve been on top of it with extra safety measures.”




Sunday – Thursday, 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday – Saturday, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
CLOSED Thanskgiving Day and Christmas Day
OPEN New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
550 Cedar Street, Ste. 103
San Diego, CA 92101
[email protected]